An Introduction to Self Driving Cars

What are self driving cars?

Self driving cars are cars that can operate to a passably safe extent without the interference of a driver.
To achieve this, the cars' technology include the calculations their sensors and software to accurately manage the feat.
An specific example of the technology they use would be the sensor or radar.
With this, the cars can estimate the space between itself and other objects.
Then, it can avoid collisions with other objects or provide aid when parking.

What companies are going to supply the market?

Companies that are currently are supplying the market of self driving cars are Tesla, Google, Uber, and Nissan, to name a few.
Like any other car, the specific designs of the vehicle are varied according to the manufacturer, but the basis of their abilities are quite similar.
A large company, like Tesla, is most likely to become more popular with their models due to their reputable products.
Similarly, Google is also expected to be of notable opposition.
The emergence of this self driving car into the capitalist market will not entirely affect American consumerism because currently the price for a new car is around $30,000 in the least.
Introducing the new technology into the already average cost will most likely increase it.
Therefore, the market will mostly be aimed to the higher classes, not affecting the proletariat that make up most of the American consumerism market.

What impact will this have?

The estimated impact the gradual improvement of the self driving car is the growing prodution, and by default, consumption of this product.
Another impact would possibly be the change in the statistics of vehicular accidents.
This is because the cars have the chance to sense incoming collision and impose countermeasures.
On the other hand, the cars could also become a cause of increased collisions.
The aid the self driving technology provides can also influence the age of drivers.
It can help older people when driving.
Another case of influence would be the possible shift into electrical power sources.
Currently, the average car is powered by gasoline, but, with the introduction of self driving cars, they can be immediately provided to the public being electric and therefore becoming an environmentally favorable option.